
Procedure for Conducting Face to Face Parish Council Meetings May 2021

Due to Covid 19 the Government suspended all face to face Council meetings until May 6th 2021, effectively until after the elections on that date. After which they stated that all face to face meeting must resume.


So that Old Stratford Parish Council can comply with this edict, it has carried out an assessment on how our Parish Council can start these meetings safely and effectively while still maintaining covid19 protocols.


The Parish Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 8th June 2021 will be held in the Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm. The table configuration and seating for Council members has been designed so that all Councillors will be socially distanced as per the guidelines. Councillors will be asked to wear face covering during the meeting.

Any member of the Public wishing to attend this meeting should contact the Parish Clerk to inform him of their intentions to attend at least 24 Hours beforehand. They should highlight the item on the Agenda that they wish to speak about or they should inform him of the topic that they wish to convey to the Council. When attending the meeting members of the public should wear face coverings.

At the start of the meeting the Agenda may be rearranged so that any members of the public who wish to speak will do so at the very beginning and once they have made their statement they should leave the meeting.

The Parish Council will discuss any issues that may have been raised and any resolutions to the issues raised will be posted in the minutes of that meeting. These resolutions will be made public so that those members of the Public who raised the issues can find the resolutions on the Parish website and notice boards.

Members of the Public can enter the Memorial Hall via the side entrance and leave by the front door fire exit.


The Parish Clerk can be contacted by Telephone: 01908 569053 or
